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Old 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM   #13

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Nov 2005
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Muadh bro can you clarify something they claim you removed ''Imam al-Mizzi - IMPRISONED by the Ash'aris for Reading Out Imam al-Bukhari's Book''


the site is islamicawakening forum under the section beliefs
Asslamo Allaikum,

This is insane

1) Firstly, I am not a Moderator and don't have the power to delete anything

2) Secondly, my reply was to the issue of "Ahlus-Sunnah response to "Hanbali Butcher Shop" and nothing to do with Imam Al-Mizzi...If my memory serves me well then I don't think neither I nor the person who initiated the thread discussed Imam Al-Mizzi (RA)...If someone mentioned Imam Al-Mizzi "after" my reply and thats why the thread got deleted, I wouldn't know

3) Thirdly, I think I was banned whenever this happened (whatever happened) as I usually am most of time

Here is a search from google Cache (take a look at the topic)

In response to Hanbali Butcher Shop issue I posted a reply and quoted Imam Nawawi (RA) about pointing to the sky and what it implies. We all point to the sky when making dua, so what? What does that prove, exactly?

Kitchen sink??? Whatever...

Jazakullah Khairun
fil_nurser is offline


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