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Old 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM   #16

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1) he said in the first post of this thread:

2) He holds salafi position (knowing the meaning) ' dramatic and drastic ' and ' approaching close to tashbeeh '.

3) later on he revealed his (actually deobandi) position:

since only Allah knows the meaning and he didnt tell that meaning to the creation, salafis are on the wrong path. but mutakallimon despite ta'weel of sifat are not misguided. CONTRADICTION.

by the way it didnt cost me a limb or money. we are here to learn, discuss and defend what we hold as the truth.

Once again for the umteenth time.. Ta'weel made by the Asha'ira is "ta'weel Saheeh" i.e in the presence of qareena. I am really starting to wonder if you even know the basics in Asha'iri Usools or not. You keep on saying "Ta'weel" has no merit at all.. yet the Salaf made ta'weel upon ta'weel in many instances.

Ta'weel in presence of an acceptable daleel is acceptable. Do you disagree?

Also do you deny that the Salafis have not issued fatwas of misguidance of Asha'ri and Maturidis? classifying them OUT of Ahl Sunnah Wal Jama'ah?

Chooriwrocafn is offline


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