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Old 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM   #25

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Come on akhi.. shame on you.. For last 14 hours or so.. in different threads me and Br. Muadh are giving you explanations and quotations. and you have yet to bring ONE quote. Oh wait.. you did bring one quote.. about the Muhannad.. but that too a half baked one..
what i brought was not a misrepresentation of your stance whether you accept it or not. you consider asha'ris making ta'weel on haq. these are the matters of furu' ? if you accept them being on haq then what is left.

also you akh claim to follow ash'aris while shamelessly deny that you follow them in particular masa'il. and what is that mas'alah ' ta'weel '. subhanAllah

I am bullying(if that is what it is) you for being judgemental about whole of Aha'ira ..without any knowledge of the basic understanding of usools in aqeeda.

I will await untill you get the definition of ta'weel from your teachers and then we can process inshAllah. Dont wory .. there is no shame in not knowing.. however the shame is in not having the humbleness to seek knowledge. Allah yazid fil ilmika Ameen

indeed there is no shame in not knowing. i am not a maghror person. a'udhu billahi min dhalik.

but by not correcting me you have yourself exposed your cowardice and hollowness. you pretend to have the knowledge of the usool of asha'irah. you are criticizing me for that. why dont you show some courage and prove me wrong.
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