why would turkey "trounce" saudi when they are partners and allies the time for becoming a power isnt yet. first we need as many sunni governments in power as possible, all allied to one another inshAllah and with islamic minded leaders. Ten we need development programmes on infrastures and jobs. Then when we are strong enough to become dominant without being invaded THEN we can become dominant world powers inshAllah turkey and saudi are currently focusing on removing assad, the next key step in teh first step of the plan i outlined i.e.: "first we need as many sunni governments in power as possible, all allied to one another inshAllah and with islamic minded leaders" after syria, I think getting any more islamic governments will be hard so we need to focus on cementing our rule in turkey, saudi, egypt, tunisia, syria and possibly get the ball rolling on alliances with less secular countries like moroccoa, indonesia, malaysia, jordan etc inshAllah once we've done all we can to create an islamic alliance in a NATO/EU style with joint currency etc, we can look to phase 2 inshAllah. If you want us to become and up and coming power this will take time inshAllah and will take muslims supporting them and not being blinded by racism and sectarianism and loking at every little fault of muslim rulers. we should wish both turkey and saudi well sadly if saudi achieve something and i post it here, people will not be happy, they will be bitter and post negative messages so this shows our mentality