University Tuition Fees in the UK - HELP!!!
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09-04-2012, 03:56 AM
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Oct 2005
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Good luck brother.
Most people dont care and will get a loan anyway. Those that do care have no alternative as most families can't afford to pay and even getting loans from friends and family is not usually an option. £9000 is just the tuition. Many people need around £5000 more for accommodation, bills and food.
I was one of the lucky few who got in uni when it was £3000 and my remaining two years will stay at that. I got around the interest because with my loan interest is not charged until you make your first payment, and you don't make a payment until you earn above £15000. My plan is to finish uni if I continue and get a job under £15000 for a few years until I can pay it back in one lump sum thus paying only what I borrowed and getting around interest. However, I do not know if this has changed with the new £9000 system. It is possible as with the new system they are charging commercial interest also whereas with the old it was just inflation.
But realistically, even if it was still there, paying back £42000 in one lump sum on a job under £20000 (threshold increases from 15 to around 20) would take many years. Personally I would rather get an apprenticeship and work my way up that way.
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