So called honor killings
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09-04-2012, 03:57 AM
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Oct 2005
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Wa Salam
One can see this all-out war against Islam on CNN International's homepage, with its front-page news videos and articles about 'honor killings'. In the case specified by them (perhaps today, at the link:
), they make it look innocent that the woman fell in love with another man due to an abusive marriage.
Sure, we would say, an abusive marriage should end one way or the other, but not by the woman making illicit friendships with men, which can eventually lead to apostasy... as we see in the case above, this is exaxctly what happened, as the featured woman apostatized from Islam.
There are a number of other issues at play, such as the uncompromising approval of the husband by his family in spite of whatever evils he committed, but do note that even when CNN tries to explain the "true Islamic" position with respect to honor killings, they bring in such evil people like Irshad Manji and the like to be the "spokespeople" of Islam.
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