You'll be hard pressed to find many Muslims falling for these websites. The majority of people that are converting to Christianity are in Africa. And that is not because of some website but because Christian missionaries exploiting their need for food, medicine, education, and shelter. You'll also find many "Muslim" to Christian conversion involves some sort of hallucination, where the person saw "Jesus" or a cross or some other psychogenic effect occurred. So, none of these websites will make a dent in anyone who is genuinely in search for truth. People who declare themselves to be ex-Muslim are usually in the following category: 1. People who didn't want to practice Islam and observe its rules and regulations (majority of "ex-Muslims"); this concern is completely idiotic because it is based on base desires and convenience; it is also the most common in a Western context, where the deception of worldly life fools them 2. People who saw some sort of hallucination; these people were not knowledgeable about Islam, we impressionable, and had been hanging around missionary-type Christians for too long 3. People who are emotionally blackmailed coupled with lack of knowledge about Islam; this is what is most common in African countries, where missionaries work by offering food, clothing, etc. in return for attending church or having Bible study 4. People who weren't Muslims to begin with! A lot of the famous personalities out there that claim to be ex-Muslim can't even tell you the first kalimah nor anything about the basic beliefs of Islam. There are even ex-Qadianis turned Christian masquerading as "ex-Muslim"