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Old 09-04-2012, 02:57 AM   #39

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Oct 2005
Senior Member
Salam alaykum,

As some of the members may know, my site is available and I would like to be more involved in Da'wah activities, at least from the theological viewpoint (which is something that should not be undermined ever, no matter what else is done). But as some of the members noted above, the problem is that as of now, most of the Da'wah efforts are self-funded, so that really does not allow those who wish to go deeper into the field of Islamic propagation to leave all their other obligations and go into this matter totally.

This is one issue. The other issue is that those few places that do have money are either problematic (such as Saudi Arabian Salafism) or outright heretical (Iranian Twelverism). If we conisder the more theologically sound regions (Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, etc.) we see that they are mired in chronic poverty and warfare, an there is no way they can possibly contribute monetarily towards propagation of Islam. The proper 'Ulama from these places are mostly busy in trying to teach Islam to the Muslims first, since the waves of trials have to be repelled first by safeguarding the Muslims before going out to convert others.

Related to this matter is the fact that not all the arguments put forth in favor Islam are the proper ones. The site 'answering-christianity' was mentioned, and while it does have certain proper things, the site as a whole shows that the main authors do not have a proper grasp of traditional Islamic sciences, which obviously sinks the overall effort. So it is important to have a proper 'Aalim spearheading the efforts in order to better utilize the fusion between the possibel zeal of the layman and the knowledge of the scholars. I have to say that in my case at least, I have more or less stopped writing articles for my site, since it was recommended that an 'Aalim should take care of the verification of what is written before it is uploaded. But as of now, such help has not been coming, but Insha Allah it will come in the future.

On the basis of this, are there any suggestions in this respect so that the Dawah effort may be remedied accordingly?

Finally, we need to remember that people generally accept what is in front of them without much philosophical reasoning behind it. This is why everyone accepts the current political and economic systems in place in the world today, even though there are many criticisms of such systems by academics, even non-Muslim ones. This is relevant to note because Muslims today are in a position of total subjugation to non-Muslim powers, and no one generally wants to join or be a part of a group that shows no power or strength in the world arena; this has been true from teh beginning of human history and is true today, and is in fact one of the wisdoms behind the rulings of Islamic warfare (even though we may not discuss it directly in here, but it has its relevance to the matter at hand).
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