The Reality of al-Barelviya
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02-08-2011, 08:00 PM
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Oct 2005
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Ibn Mohammad bin Abdul Wahhab al Najdi writes,
There is a Hadith in which RasoolAllah (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) stated: 'I was a Prophet even when Adam 'alaihi salaam was between clay and water (i.e. in the process of being created) [“This Hadith is transmitted by Tirmidhi, Muktaser Sirat-al-Rasool by Ibn Muhammad ibn Mohammad bin Abdul Wahhab al Najdi, Baihaqi, Ahmad, Hakim and Dhahabi declare it to be Sahih”]
Prophet (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) stated: 'I have always been amongst the good (group), and my Noor was present even before Adam 'alaihi salaam'.
[“Qadhi Iyyad from Tabari Al-shifa Chap, Millad-un Nabi”]
The Companions used to call Prophet [May Allah bless him and grant Him peace] Noor
When RasoolAllah Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam had passed away, the following Na'ats were recited. Imam Ibn Sa’ad writes, Hassaan Bin Thaabit RadhiAllahu 'anhu recited:
“Who can compare to the one who was Noor, the one from whom light was extracted. There were blessings in his commands and he was our guide and Warner. He was such a Noor that his light shone upon the whole of the creation. The person who has shown us the path of this blessed (Noor) attained success. He was the light, he was the Noor. It is his footsteps that we follow, and after Allah, he was our ears and eyes.'
Ka'ab bin Malik RadhiAllahu 'anhu stated: 'He was Basheerun /Nazeer and the rays of his Noor kept us enlightened. Allah saved us through his blessings of Noor, and through his mercy obtained salvation from the fire of Hell'.
Arwa Bint Abdul Muttalib radhiAllahu 'anha stated: 'If I weep, then it is for him who was the Noor for all the nations, he was the Messenger of Allah and his name was Ahmad, let me remain in this state of mind'.
Aatiqa Bint Abdul Muttalib RadhiAllahu 'anha: stated 'O my eyes! Weep! For the one who was the selected Noor, who was from the children of Hashim'.
Safiya Bint Abdul Muttalib radhiAllahu 'anha: stated 'Upon the one with whom Allah is pleased, the one upon guidance and piety, the one who brought the light of guidance after darkness'.
Hind Bint Usaasa Bin Abdul Muttalib RadhiAllahu 'anha: stated 'He was the moon of the fourteenth night, such a Noor from which light was extracted and by the Lord he was bestowed with the Book'. [“Tabqaat Ibn Sa'ad chapter Wafat-An-Nabi”]
Everything contained in this chapter is evidence in support of the fact that the Noor of RasoolAllah (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) was present long before human creation. For this reason the Ahl-as-Sunnah believe that although RasoolAllah (Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) was a human being (bashar), it is also justified to call him Noor.
This was the reality of the creed of Noor, which is the belief of the Ahl-as-Sunnah wa 'al Jamaa'ah. The final question we ask if it is kufr to have such belief, can all the Scholars whose names and references given, also be classified as Kaafirs?
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