Khulasa wa Tasheel Qasd-us-Sabeel?
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09-04-2012, 03:57 AM
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Oct 2005
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Here is text for the first hidayat from the English translation I have of "Tasheel Qasd us Sabeel".
Since I've typed the following from the book, there might be typos.
Hidayat No 1:
The meaning of Faqeeri is to adorn one's zaahir (the body, the external acts)
and baatin(the heart and soul).The zaahir is adorned by means of acts related to and rendered by the physical body.
Practising such acts is essential. Such acts are Salaat, Fasting, etc.
The "baatin" is adorned by the cultivation of true beliefs and virtuous qualities such as Ikhlaas[sincerity],
shukr[gratitude], sabr[patience], zuhd[elimination of worldly love] and tawaaadhu' [humility].
This description, vis. adornment of the zaahir and baatin, is one stage of Faqiri.
This stage is called "Wilaayat-e-Aam-mah" or general bond of friendship with Allah Ta'ala.
Every pious Muslim is on this stage of Faqeeri.
The second stage of Faqeeri is called Wilaayat-e-Khaas-sah or a special bond of friendship with Allah.
This second stage of Faqeeri is exclusive with the Auliyaa or Saints. This stage consists, in addition to the constituents of the first stage, of engaging the zaahir in abundance of Nafl Ibaadaat, and the baatin with constant Zikrullah[remembrance of Allah].
At no time is there any scope for neglect and forgetfulnesss in this second stage of Faqeeri.
Thus, the second stage consists of everything of the first stage, plus abundance of Nafl acts and perpetual zikr.
The acquisition of first stage of Faqeeri [wilaayat-e-aam-mah] is Fardh [compuslory] on every Muslim.
This first stage has two essentials, viz. Knowledge and Practice.
Knowledge: By knowledge is meant sufficient knowledge of the Deen to enable one to conduct one's daily life in conformity with the teachings of the Deen.
Such knowledge ma y be acquired by studying authentic books or by enquiring the msaa-il from the Ulama.
Bheshti Zewer, Safaa-i Mu-aamalaat and Miftahul Jannat are books published by this humble servant.
These books are sufficient for one's daily requirements.
Practice: By practice is meant firm resolution to act in accordance with what has been learnt.
This resolution is essential so that one will not be prevented from virtuous deeds by the desires of the nafs and by the criticisms of people.
The acqusition of the second stage of Faqeeri [wilaayat-e-khaas-sah] is mustahab[preferred and meritorious].
Generally, most people regard only this second stage to be Faqeeri. However, if cultivation of the second stage of Faqeeri leads to interference and neglect of any essential teaching of the first stage of Faqeeri, then involvement in the second stage will not be permissible. Example: Some ignoramuses desert their wives and children and labour under the impression that they are journeying along the path of Faqeeri. They are, infact, caught up in deception.
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