Transition dawah for the West - a valid concept?
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09-04-2012, 03:56 AM
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Oct 2005
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Transition dawah for the West - a valid concept?
How many users have a very deep desire to see Islamic moral values influencing and inspiring the people of the west? We failed twice militarily to penetrate the gates of vienna and Islam through most of its existence has failed to penetrate the western mind despite in their existence orientalists who have done detailed studies and commentary on the religion for their lay to understand. As our duty continues to spread this global message, how can we convince the westerners that Islam is their salvation, their goodness and the serenity treasure of the mind/soul which they have been missing.
Who agrees with the argument that
transition dawah
is probably different then
dawah of perfection
which is done to already experienced muslims?
Is the fact that we dont make that arbitrary distinction hurting dawah efforts?
Shouldnt penetration of Western civilization through a
transition dawah
which is more liberal and accepting of music, relaxed dresscode, not challenging other benign religious-neutral ethics and concepts perceived as precious to the Westerners be pursued?
Should that dawah emphasize instead love, mercy, compassion, beliefs and Aqeedah of Muslims, charity, brotherhood, selflessness, theology, friendliness, serenity of mind and soul. The focal point is love in Islam for Allah, his worship and strive for goodness.
I would argue deobandi dawah efforts will be ineffective in the west. I argue that a
transition dawah
be recognized which does not go into arguments about things the westerners really like and have large consensus and some of which are still being debated in muslim circles or which are peripheries or which atleast have some room for acceptance. This is in reference to taking either a more liberal or indifferent/passive approach to music, dress-code, democracy, hudud laws in the context of a nation state, monogamy, negation of authoritarianism, socio-conversational/occupational inter-mingling of sexes, men-women equality and other concepts which are peripherals and not core-religious issues. If we get groups and individuals who really dont keep on criticising, challenging and deriding western civilization for these things and just go about always talking these things only and who instead really know how to present love, goodness, compassion, brotherhood and mercy in Islam and Islam's compatiblity with most things modern/advance than we will make an impact. I am talking of limiting criticism to inherent validity of concepts like music not about hip-hop dirtness or lewdity which most westerners themselves despise. Another example apostacy - if argue with westerners we should take a liberal approach and say apostates can reject Islam if they want - they have freedom of choice - that will characterize a
transition dawah
approach. In perfection dawah we can say there is difference of opinion and detail those. A western mind is strongly averse to the idea that a person be beheaded for rejecting a religion he was formerly in. The first stop itself will be I am looking into a religion which will demand my death if I enter it and decide to leave it after experiencing it.
If one is to make a compromise on some peripheral and perhaps ambiguous Islamic rulings and conclusions to challenge and convince otherwise a irreligious population's core beliefs will he be doing good or more bad? I would argue that that compromise is justified. After that
transition dawah
direction to more perfection dawah can be channeled.
Where did I get this conclusion - from this axiom summary - Who cares if they die not good Muslims but we should all care and worry if they die rejecting Islam because of small issues of distraction. IS that thinking justified?
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