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Old 09-04-2012, 03:57 AM   #21

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I personally do not approve of this bashing of a Humble and Rightous Shaykh......who devoted his life to Islam.
Most obviously he has more Ilm(knowledge) then any of us.
I am ashamed on how people forget their manners, If we do not agree with him we should not be bashing him or calling him mad nonetheless. Jazakullah, the first couple of replies answered my question but has gotten out of hand with the Kissing the hand issue, Let it be known their is conflict of opinion on whether it does or does not break the wudu through out different madhabs. Shafi'i madhab being known to be strict on this view of it breaking wudu...while the Maliki-Hanbali madhab accords it to intention and the hanafi madhab goes along the lines of if Lust is involved it will break but their is a difference of opinion on the matter. I remember reading a fatwa by abdullah bin bayyah saying of the Hanafi madhab that the basic principle is not to touch women but at times it may be allowed.
Allahu3lam..... Either way...I have received my answer.
mashayikh cannot be doing such things what kind of precedent would that set for laymen?!?!?!?!? if rasulullah himself would not touch women, and no one on earth could have a purer heart than him how on earth can anyone else make excuses for themselves. again keep in mind he's a shaykh (for better or worse) and people will follow him.

besides the issue has nothing to do with whether his wudu is broken or not! its about physical contact with the opposite gender, keeping in mind the shaykh comes into contact with young women and even has them play music for him.

and then there's the issue of his khulafa stirring up trouble for other muslims in america callign them terrorists etc. how on earth can mashayikh of tasawuff (regardless of their differences) go around calling well established muslim organizations terrorists if i remember correctly they targetted CAIR.

very strange behaviour.

whats even more strange is the fasct that they call themsekves "naqshbandi" are they not aware of how rigid and strict the teachings of Shaykh Ahmed Sirhindi (rah) are? He did not even allow sama' and raqs, let alone this dancing and music which these folks involve themselves in.
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