Perennialism is kufr - Imam Khaffaji & Kashmiri
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09-04-2012, 02:56 AM
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Oct 2005
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“…One who does not call the people of other religions as kafir due to any reason: He says: Therefore (because of the uncertainty of takfir of those who misinterpret and distort clear-cut and unanimous nusus), we regard a person kafir who does not call the followers of other religion as kafir or hesitates to call them kafir, or doubts in their kufr, or thinks their religion is right, though he claims himself to be Muslim and calls other religions other than Islam as false, then also he is kafir who does not call the people of other religions as kafir; since this person opposes Islam by opposing to call kafir as kafir and this is belying and refuting religion. (In short, not calling any person not following Islam as kafir is tantamount to oppose and refute Islam, and that individual is kafir.)”
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