I know this misconception too, as far as I experienced it seems to be advocated by a certain group called "nur cemat" which has its origins in Turkey. So far, I heard it only from followers of this group. They also misguide their followers into basically believing that shaving the beard is okay, they propagate a shi'a dua book, etc.. There is number of problems with this group. (The above statements are based on the experiences which I have made with many of their followers in different cities in Germany. (It was not just one guy)) There is nothing wrong with stating the facts and realities:Someone who denies Islam or a part of it is a kafir - very clear. The Christians and Jews are kuffar. The Ahlu Kitab (above) are kuffar. The Quranites (Hadith rejectors) are kuffar. The Atheists, Communists etc. are kuffar. The Qadianis (Ahmadiyya) are kuffar. Those fighting against Islam are kuffar. Those fighting with the crusaders against Islam are kuffar. Also read http://askimam.org/fatwa/fatwa.php?a...8dc21dda25cb7a http://askimam.org/fatwa/fatwa.php?a...36bbc8fd53d7a1 http://askimam.org/fatwa/fatwa.php?a...3f0a07c9f6e967 http://askimam.org/fatwa/fatwa.php?a...f94fe7a1dc3672 Sister kayra, I would advise you to buy a book called "The Reliance of the Traveler". It is a Shafi'i fiqh book, but it contains many essentially useful texts/explanations/articles about topics which are common to all madhhabs and relevant for the common Muslim. (It is available on Amazon) The author, Shaykh Nuh Keller, is a reconvert to Islam who studied Islam and is now an internationally acknowledged scholar and shaykh of Tasawwuf. He follows the Shafi'i madhhab and Shadhili tariqa. May Allah protect him and reward his precious work done for this deen. Amin. The belief of Ahlu-Sunnah wal Jama'ah concerning this issue is basically: As long as the person does not deem it allowed (halal) to do a prohibited deed (e.g drink alcohol) he/she will still be a Muslim. But in this case he/she will be an open sinner (fasiq). A Munafiq is someone with nifaq, i.e. someone who conceals his kufr. A Mushrik is someone who does shirk, i.e. associating partners with Allah. Kufr could be approximately translated as "covering the truth", i.e. it means denial Kuffar is the plural of kafir. May Allah Most High protect us from these evils and keep our Iman at safety. Amin. And Allah knows best! EDIT: Brother Taymullah from Eurabia made a good point.