Nevertheless, the Muslims do not have a hidden agenda - we speak and practice the truth and we reject the unbelief of the non-Muslims openly. We don't alter or hide our religion to please the non-Muslims (kuffar), because they will never be satisfied with us until we completely leave Islam: (...) The red marked argument is flawed. Allah tells us that He has perfected this deen in Surat al-Maaida, 5:3: (...) If one hides the real Islam in order to invite somebody to an (altered/fake) vesion of Islam, which in fact is not Islam anymore, then what's the use of doing this? There is only one Islam, there is no "extremist" Islam nor is there a "modern" Islam or similar. Islam in itself represents the middle way and the way of life which Allah has chosen for us. If someone doesn't appreciate Islam or turns away from it because he doesn't like it then it is his own problem and not the fault of the practicing Muslim.