The Great Deception - Arab Spring!
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09-04-2012, 03:57 AM
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Oct 2005
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Prior to proposing the Greater Middle East Initiative, America had demanded a host of reforms from the regimes of the region in order to bring about the so-called “civil state”. The substance of those reforms evolved around loosening the ruling regimes’ grip on the subdued masses, enabling the people of the region to partake in governing themselves, introducing changes to the constitutions and laws, amending the education curricula, enabling women to attain a higher status in public life, undertaking reforms in the economic policy and fighting financial and administrative corruption.
If one were to ponder over what America has demanded from the regimes, he would be led to believe that she is on the side of the masses and that she supports them in their quest to gain what is envisaged as their right. In fact, America has demanded what she refers to as reforms in order to gain the pleasure of the masses, so that they may in turn carry the thoughts that she wants to establish, which would secure her unilateral dominion this century. America would not have undertaken such a manoeuvre had it not been for the sake of securing her interests and serving her aims.
What America is calling for in terms of reforms is in fact simply designed to corrupt and deceive the Ummah. The regimes in the Muslims’ lands must be uprooted rather than reformed. Changing the regime does not merely involve changing the individuals in charge; rather, the real change entails the basis upon which those regimes are built. Hence, the bona fide remedy is to end the secular basis upon which the current regimes are built and to replace it with the Islamic Aqeedah, which would be the foundation of the state in its quality as the Aqeedah of the Ummah, who would not revive save upon its basis.
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