salamulikum wr wb good point br. i personally dont know if he has retracted it but inshallah will have a search for it but he once did say that there is a lot of things which he said in the past that he regrets also he said about people who do takfir on ibn taymiyah, that they shouldnt as he could have changed his extremely contreversial views later on in his life plus over the years we have seen how shaykh hamza has been a champion of traditional islamic views with great scrupulouness and insight, thus if we judge him on such qualities then i'd think giving him the benifit of the doubt and regarding that view on lahori ahmadis to be a innocent mistake in his younger days should naturally cross our minds also there is a hadith where it says give your muslim brother 72? excuses so it saddens me to see some of us are quick to deem him outside the folds of islam or ahlus sunnah