To niqab or not to niqab - a bad man is going to stare anyway?
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09-04-2012, 03:56 AM
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Oct 2005
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what would you say about women being attacked & raped because they are wearing niqab. a few years back there was a lady raped just a few roads down from my house.the men targeted her & told her its because they know the women with this clothing are virgins.
for this reason ulama like sh Nuh keller have said that if a women feels threatened in any way then it is wajib to remove the niqaab.
now I would like to ask the sisters who wear niqaab if they understand the rulling of hijaab. two of my sister in laws wear niqaab & they are both alimas who graduated at the khanqah zakariya madrasah but they started off at darul uloom zakariya. both of them dont know what the limits of their awrah is. they close the face but then part of the neck shows or the hair sticks out. there far doesnt really care as long as the face is covered. once i will never forget the one sister was doing a facial & her face was covered in this thick cream. she was wearing a shorts & a t shirt & they made a video of her as a prank. first the father said dont show him, then he said oh its ok her face is closed. but her hair, legs & arms were open.
so any sister who would like to cover her face should first know & understand the awrah which is wajib in all circumstances.
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