I know Deen has a strong good presence in subcontinent Muslims. May Allah make them more engrossed in Deen. However we are talking about Arabic language but I am learning from you brother. You might be right because I dont have any first hand experience with these institutions. I was thinking more along comfort lines that malaysia would be good and more modernized place for the brother. I am planning and trying to strengthen my niyat that also after 3-5 years to take a year or two off and go for Quran hifz and Arabic study. Pray for me that this materialize. And now that you have mentioned this places inshAllah it may be one of them where I end up.
اللهم إني أعوذ بك من علم لا ينفع ، ونفس لا تشبع ، وقلب لا يخشع ، ودعاء لا يستجاب