Thread: Hadith Query
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Old 08-04-2008, 06:55 PM   #5

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I wouldn't know any of the answers but I would suggest that you widen your circle. what I mean by that is that the questions u have asked are very detailed and an average Muslim wouldn't have the answers to that. And none of us at this forum (to my knowledge) is a scholar with so much knowledge.

I just remembered an important incident that I think needs mentioning here. There was a theif who came to Abu Bakr RA and he told Abu Bakr RA to give him good advice because he RA looks very knowledgable. This theif was illeterate and wanted simple advice. Hazrat Abu Bakr RA told him there are only five things you need to remember and u can count them on your finger. First shahada, second salah and so on til he mentioned the five pillars of Islam. Abu Bakr RA also told the man never to assume a position of leadership. He RA did not go into a lot of detail and the lesson we learn from this is that everyone has a capacity to learn things. You should not speed things up or go outside of your league. I am not judging you but generally saying that it may be that you have went into too much detail without working on the basics first. Allahu alim.

Even the scholars have forbidden some topics such as destiny because they are complicated and may weaken your iman. I am sure there are answers to your questions but maybe you need to go to more scholars. Allahu alim what type of scholars you have been to but there r 3 types of scholars. One who has knowledge and wisdom, one who has knowledge but no wisdom and one who has no knowledge and no wisdom. You need a scholar with knowledge and wisdom. So I would suggest that you keep on going to different scholars and don't be dishearted at what they say. If a scholar doesn't know the answer to a question then they should admit it.
I can refer you to some scholars that I have heard of. One of them is Mohammad Alshareef and mashallah he has guided a lot of people. He often gets to the bottom of things and inshallah he will be able to guide you. But coming to forums like this may actually worsen things because although these forums are quite good, one of the disadvantages is that anyone can write anything and they may not even have any knowledge or any wisdom (generally speaking people so don't misunderstand me)

If you want to get in touch with Mohammad alshareef he runs his own forum that he supervises and he advises people on the forum as well. (it seems to be down right now, inshallah it'll be back up soon)
Alternatively there are several websites where you can ask scholars for help. I am sure ppl here can suggest a lot more than me, but a few of them are

Inshallah you will find your answers and your iman will be strengthened, if you are looking for the truth inshallah taala Allah SWT will guide you. Ameen

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