The Government which was ''democratically'' elected by Muslims into office If the Ulema came out and condemned the Bangla govt stance this shows that they do not have much sway within Bangladesh because if they did and the Government would not dare to go ahead with the Rohingya repatriation policy or even refusing aid from the UN. This is what some of us are tired of. We have too many Ulemas/Maulanas who are on TV 24/7 giving out edits but in reality they do not have much sway withing the society. At times like this we need REAL Muslim leaders and not youtube fatwa leaders who are silent when real issues struck We cant just sit around and make dua only. Even the battle of Badr wasnt won by just sitting and making duas. Muslims had to do something. I have few hours before I break my fast but how can I feed myself with all sorts of food and then go to Tarawih while my fellow brother in Iman is struggling to stay in the high seas and animal infested jungles of Burma and Bangladesh simply because he has been refused safety by a fellow Muslim In sha Allah will make dua for them but this Rohingya really shames us all. Martin Luther King (the civil rights leader) once said : ''In the end we will remember NOT the deeds and abuse from our enemies, but the silence from our OWN people''