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Old 08-08-2012, 08:45 PM   #17

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Bhaijan, Bangali hoeo apni Shafi'i kano? Its just my curiosity, nothing else.

What can I say bhaijan? The proofs were too compelling.

NB: I was hanafi once but didn't really know what madhabs were back then. Going through the Reliance of the Traveler and the biographies of the Shafi'i a'imma (Imam Nawawi, the 2 Ibn Hajrs, Suyuti, Ghazali, Dhahabi, Ibn Kathir, As-Subki, Bayhaqi, pretty much all the muhadittheen) opened my eyes. Consider all the branches of knowledge - the contributions of the Shafi'is are tremendous and indispensable (all types of usool, hadith, tafseer, logic, history, aqeedah, fiqh, tasawwuf etc.). I was convinced that the haqq lay with the Shafi'is. And the hanaabila are pretty much 80% shafi'i as well.

Nonetheless - hanafis do rock - no one's challenging that. I do spend some "hanafi days" now and again to ensure that I don't forget the fiqh.
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