The Greatness of Muhammad (S+) through the eyes of Non-Muslim Historians.
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09-04-2012, 04:22 AM
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Oct 2005
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Vast majority of original followers of Jesus (D+) (i.e. Christians) convert to Islaam and accept Muhammad (S+) as the last prophet of God (ALLAAH)
“…no spiritual leader has founded a faith which so rapidly appealed to such an enormous number of people.”
“In the seventh and eighth centuries the great majority of the Christian populations who lived along the eastern and southern shores of the Mediterranean went over to this new faith founded by Muhammad. It was a great blow for Christianity that its oldest and most intensive centres should have been lost to Islam. Yet, from the point of view of the history of human values, when the high quality of Islamic theology and ethics is taken into account, it cannot be said that a great disaster had occurred. Why the Christians should have so readily accepted Islam remains something of a mystery in view of the fact that no historian has yet been able to work out the details of this conversion.”
(Page 169)
Norman F. Cantor
Medieval History (1963)
(ii) The impact of Islam on Early Medieval Europe
to be continued inshaa allaah
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