No a person cannot legitimize every single evil deed by looking for minority opinions - that is absolute rubbish. Its a lazy excuse used to silence dissent. We can easily establish the severity of listening to music in comparison to zina. Zina is a hadd offence - it is a major violation of God's natural law and the severity of that transgression is explicitly and clearly mentioned in the Quran without the need for any interpretation whatsoever. Music on the other hand is not - this is basics of Islamic fiqh 101. There is clear differences and scholarly controversy over music. Islamic civilization produced some of the most sophisticated and refined musical theory - one can easily think of Al Andalus as an example of this. You have no proof by virtue of UNANIMOUS CONSENSUS (not a numerical majority by absolute unanimous consensus) to suggest minority opinions are religiously inadmissible and tantamount to sinning and transgressing God's law (yes I concede sometimes following minority opinions is unwise but you cannot use a blanket statement on this regard) and you are confusing fiqh-al-aqalliyyat (the opinions that you mention such as legalizing the eating of haraam meat has only to my knowledge ever been justified on the basis of Muslims living as a minority community in a non-Muslim majority country). Disregarding the discussion on this contentious issue of fiqh - minority opinions have a valid basis in the juristic literature. Furthermore you cast aspersions on the faith of another brother by coming out with all sorts of rubbish such along the lines of ''you place greater significance on your desires, this world instead of the Hereafter''. What need is there for this - keep your opinions to yourself on this regard. I urge everyone to listen to this brilliant lecture by Shaykh Abdullah on Following the Mashhur: And his paper on ijma is absolutely brilliant: