I think the last highlighted part is my concern. May Allah Accept their efforts and grant them the Tawfiq to take initiatives for increasing Iman and Jihad alongwith the Current Service of the Haramain
I think the point brother amr is trying to make is that we should not belittle them for serving hujjaj and mu'tamireen. The verse does say that jihad is superior and there is no denial or argument on this point, but it was revealed to speak against the mushrikeen of Makkah. Is it okay to belittle someone who brings you a glass of water? Now, if the Saudis were claiming that serving the hujjaj and mu'tamireen is superior to jihad or superior to salah or any of the obligatory actions, then we have a problem and I'm sure that no Muslim would make such a claim. And we should make du'aa for guidance, not destruction, for our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters.