Brother you are a real agitator arent' you. Where did I speak Turkish? And where did I criticize salafis more than others, did you even see my final conclusion. Its better than many peoples view here on Salafis. And finally where did I make a statement that Adnan Oktar is the Mahdi. Now tell me, if I said Allah make them mahdi's exemplar students. I take my masters statement. He frequently repeats that both he and his aides are the Mahdi's students. You are a fool in short. Infact I hate to say it but you are acting like an open liar. You can say that you think or suspect that mubakr believe's Adnan Oktar is the mahdi or that mubakr your paragraph can be implied to mean that. And that can be done in the same thread as that shameful titled thread accusing of the great sheikh. You can call me hypocrite but you are acting like one right now in instigating and alleging things I didnt say.