Collecting authentic Tafseer lectures
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09-04-2012, 04:22 AM
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Collecting authentic Tafseer lectures
Assalamu Alaikum,
I'm collecting tafseer lectures (audio) by authentic scholars. I'm planning to put them all on one blog for easy access for everyone.
These are the conditions. Scholar must be:
1) Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'h following a madhab
2) Studied at a traditional Islamic madrasa
I have collected the lectures of these scholars so far. Please add any that are available for download on the net, even if it is tafseer of one surah.
Any language is acceptable as long as the scholar is authentic and reliable. Please also share a short biography of the scholar, or a link to their biography.
Maulana Saifur Rahman Qasim
Maulana Zulfiqar
Maulana Abdus Sattar
Maulana Aslam Sheikhpuri
Maulana Makki
Maulana Yunus Palanpuri
Mufti Atiq ur Rehman Shaheed
Mufti Mehboob Ilahi
Mufti Saeed Khan
Maulana Yusuf Ludhyanvi
Mufti Zar Wali Khan
Mufti Zubair Bayat
Maulana Abdul Hameed Swati
Maulana Abdul Rehman Ashrafi
Maulana Sarfaraz Safdar Khan
Mufti Ismail Musa Menk
Mufti Zubair Dudha
Shaykh Husain Abdul Sattar
Shaykh Kamaluddin Ahmed
Shaykh Ramadan Al-Buti
jazak'Allah khair.
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