Turkey on the wrong path
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09-04-2012, 04:22 AM
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Oct 2005
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Sister, the anti-muslim forces ruled in Turkey for many many decades and they implemented a policy to forcibly take people away from Islam. Enough so that for some Turks, eating pork is a badge of honour. Look at how they un-necessarily changed the alphabet from arabic to cyllric just to take people away from the Quran! But Alhumdullilah, surely Turkey is moving in the right direction now? It may take 100 years again, but it is doing better. It takes a long time for changes to come into the country, Inshallah it will come..
also, if you are in Turkey, i'd have to point out, you are probably in the 'richer', more 'touristy' type areas which might give you this impression? From what i've heard the muslims in Istanbul tend to live in poorer communities. And the rich muslims are making great strides in anatolia in cities around turkey which are not so tourist friendly, but are a lot more Islamic in nature.
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