I will try to look into the things you have given. The question you ask above...does not make sense to me. To me it is obvious that Muslims cannot kill random people in jihad and give collective punishments...Islam was revealed to stop this. I think you should provide some evidence to show that collective punishments are allowed. E.G. American government kills hundreds of Muslims...random Muslims then go and kill hundreds or thousands of random Americans in America, not necessarily working for the government. Is this sanctioned by shariah if so what about the verse of the Quran which says one life is equivalent to the whole of humanity if it is saved or unlawfully killed? I listened to the you tube vids. 1) Fighting against Muslims is halal, even Abu Bakr RA fought against Muslims who refused to pay Zakaat. 2) Those who befriend the kuffar, help them or fight with them can also be fought against. I agree with number 2, but you still have to discriminate and you cannot put collective punishments. Number one is problematic Abu Bakr was a khalif. No Muslim jihad was conducted before khilafah in Madinah was established, only after the rule by Islam was put in force in Madina did the Muslims get permission for Jihad. So Muslims today first need to establish the deen and khilafah, not jihad with the sword then khilafah.