how can dog be used for hunting if saliva is 'dirty'?
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09-04-2012, 04:22 AM
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Oct 2005
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Yes i know how to take care of dogs, plenty of research and i have kept pets all my life lol So you have a suitable home Alhamdu lillah. Not everyone who keeps animals necessarily care for them appropriately, even leaving a barking and frustrated dog tied up in a yard all day is cruel and goes on all the time in the UK. I was not implying that you would be cruel just trying to post on a public forum what I have learnt about the rulings with regards to dogs, anyone else reading this thread might pick something up.
Surely if 'all dogs carry rabies' it will infect the hunted prey thus contaminating it and passing it onto who ever eats it, rabies is difficult to remove. So even if it is thoroughly clean technically the disease will still be there. A rabid dog would not be used in a hunt would it? I do not know how rabies symptoms come about...would the dog be normal and then later show symptoms of rabies? In any case we could in theory be killing and eating a sick animal (whether it is killed by a dog or not) so there is a small chance of getting ill from eating a sick animal. This does not mean Islam bans eating all meat, even if there is a small chance that you could eat a sick animal and get sick yourself. So dogs hunting and killing animals for us to eat will usually be safe to eat.
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