Iran Will Hit Back Hard At Israel, Inshallah.
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01-12-2011, 04:39 PM
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Oct 2005
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brother MSZN85 and brother Oblivion,
Like I said before, two wrongs won't make a right. My opinion is to always sided with the haq, coz the outcome is clear, either successfully uphold the Words of Allah
, or syaheed in the process
We can't afford to support the ayatollah institutions in Iran because of their corruptions of the deen. And I am concerned about the Sunnis in Iran from these two monsters from both ends. If nothing is done towards the ayatollah institutions with their corrupted shi'ism, then the sunnis will continue to suffer under the regime and the masses will continue to be led astray by them. Meaning that regarding the corrupted ayatollah institutions in Iran, it'll be very hard to agree with them unless they put away the corruption within the deen, only then we are obliged to support them. And regarding the sunni politicians who are in bed with the US/Israel, we have to be patient even if the politicians take away our rights as we are told not to revolt unless the leaders/politicians are clear cut kufr.
Also regarding the nuclear Iran, we have to take into account the opinions of these ayatollahs towards the sunnis. If they consider the sunnis as non-believers (as some of the most influential ayatollahs openly declared), then letting them to have nuclear weapons would be detrimental towards the safety of the ummah. As israel already has nuclear weapons, we must not let another enemy of the sunnis to also have an arsenal of nuclear weapons.
the time will come for the ummah to rise up again. We never knew the intricate details of the plans laid out by Allah
that will take place but we must put our trust in Allah
100% as the Beloved Prophet
already told us about these coming events. And during these moments, we don't have any choice but to always stay with the haq.
Allah Knows best.
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