7th century mosque found in Bangladesh
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09-04-2012, 04:22 AM
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Oct 2005
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As a Bangali, I do not trust most people and more so if they are educated. We have these types of people (freshies) in UK running various scams.. there are cases where these freshies pretend to be imam when they can't even speak arabic or even qualified as imam. The trick many unsuspecting muslims (older generation).. These people often are the lowest of low and have no quarms abusing the deen of Allah. I for one thinks there has to be morotorium of immigrant Bangladeshis here in UK. Those staying here should only be given resident visa and not citizenship. these people have caused a lot of problem for everyone and includes many of the ills of the community. These freshies have no problem setting up off licence!!
I love bangladesh and its simple people from rural areas but they are often the victims of the socalled land owners and chairmen. They can get away with murder etc... These are Jalim personified. Just like rest of indo pak. rural areas and its people are at the mercy of thugs.
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