Economy and All That
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07-03-2012, 09:46 PM
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Oct 2005
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Yes I agree and am sorry for side tracking . The clip was about economic issue of the present world .
The speaker tried to relate it to end of days hadith . That is why I felt like other similar lectures I have heard from scholars they do not connect the dots only focus on one saying of the prophet and make it into their
As far as the economy is concerned no doubt in my mind the modern day
followers of satan / or the dajjal / dajjals of this era are responsible for
the suffering of whole humanity with the economic system we are forced
to live in.
Remember there are supposed to be many dajjals till the time of qiyamah as mentioned by scholars . These small dajjals have influenced the world
events and still doing so I suppose .
I imagine them sitting in newyork or london right now.
Anyway Allah knows best .
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