We all know that Indonesia, a Muslim country was severely perturbed by how the 'pure ones' treated their maids and workers. They barred further travel. I dont know if the ban is still in place. My country also did the same a few days ago after increasing number of violations of domestic workers. This kenyan Muslim has sent a video of how they have been detained and kept in saudia because he refused to work for his employer any more. Hasnt been very long but what little rahma they show when they fall into disagreement with fellow beings. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dv_qSive-o by migration authorities I think these people are also a bit stupid. They can always keep the place clean by dumping everything in one corner. The bin however looks full. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0yg9...eature=related Another kenyan muslim died and body put in freezer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9UcD...eature=related Rough translation I went to saudi on 16th May 2008 The contract I signed was 1000 riyal, it changed when I arrived there to 600 riyal I worked there for 9 months When they will go to vacation before ramadhan they will lock the house and leave me inside If you are sick, they dont want to listen much, they will buy you panadol and that is the limit. she conveys a story about a philipino friend of hers whose boss was a lesbian who wanted to force her to have sex. When she refused, she was tied down and the boss lady cut her private parts. she subsequently died. She also told about how her boss always wanted to sleep with her so she could go to look for work elsewhere. she had to use story of father has died to come back to kenya and escape. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kvvvh...feature=relmfu Rukia Athman, another Muslim cries over the phone talking to Kenyan tv about how she has been detained in the house and not allowed to go back. So many examples are available make the news all the time several where violence and there was one recent case where a women was thrown off the balcony also by her 'pure' saudi master and broke both her upper limbs. I am not saying that these are cases which happen every day but they happen regularly to ignore. And the fact that two countries now have banned foreign workers shows that something might be wrong in how saudis view themselves and their foreign workers. There was a video about how a bengali was treated but someone deleted it. I dont know why. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...&v=bBhhP3Wf7Do Anyways this is not a propaganda thread but that for self-reflection for saudis to better their ethics of treating others.