السلام عليكم I've already told the guy that we in Tripoli Lebanon get thousands of poor Syrians who flee from Assad's regime and seek refuge in the north, entire families, and we hear their testimonies and we know exactly what is going on in Syria, heck most families in Tripoli have cousins and relatives in Syria, and they tell us about the regime's oppression and massacres... I already wrote this, but how did the conspiracy theorist reply? he replied to me with an article he copied and pasted from the net... amazing, and now he's talking about Illuminati-Bankers... the fool doesn't know that the Syrian regime at one point invaded Lebanon and bombed my city into the stone age, killing thousands and executing Muslims and raping women, BUT NO! he thinks he can educate me about the politics of my region with internet articles.
Here's the truth: Israel = USA's regime = Iran's regime = Syria's regime = Russia's regime = China's regime = Shaytan Rajeem = Enemies of Allah (swt).