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Old 06-21-2012, 05:35 AM   #40

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But have you ever dealt with a Jewish person before, or an Israeli? Like, in talked with them, spent a long period of time with them or dated them? How do you know they'd get along well with your catalan culture?

This stereotype about money-grabbing people exists in several ethnicities, depending on the country. In South-east Asia, it's the Chinese diaspora who's seen as that. In Africa, it's the Indians. In Nigeria and Brazil, it's the Lebanese. Do you feel kinship or that you'd get along well with Chinese, Indians or Lebanese?
jews = persecuted, chased, vilified, envied for their smartness, expelled, wiped out... but finally winners, powerful and with an state of their own.

That's the analogy cinder do between jews and catalans.

Catalans are called 'jews' (among many other ugly things) by evil 'castilians' just to vilify them, a usual thing among neighbors I think, at least here in sapain, in sapan, in japan... not wait,in spain I mean.

Your examples (except for Occitanians) seem to do with history, and especially with the history of Catalans being somewhat persecuted or trying to get independence. Considering that, it's strange you'd think Jews would get along well with Catalans, since, you know, Catalans were in part responsible for the persecution and expulsion of Jews from the Iberian peninsula and the Inquisition. Pecatta minutta.
the pope forgave us long time ago and we have a insured place in heaven.

Among the immigrants that live in Catalonia, who do you think gets along better with the Catalonians? Difficult to say, I've been told by catalans that aragonese people are seen as more close to them than the rest of spaniards (apart of course of valencian and balearics who are of the same tribe as catalans), and I was really surprised.
I'd say that galicians are who better get along with catalans, but maybe becasuse galicians get along with everybody, or that's what it seems to me.


I get along really well with andorronians, every time I've been there never saw none.
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