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Old 06-09-2012, 10:18 AM   #18

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Oct 2005
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The attitude and view of Muslims varies by region and age group, but in general I do not believe that Aframs have any strong feelings about Muslims in general. Most of the negative stereotypes and vibes are centered around those of Middle Eastern descent. Aframs would probably not view black or white Muslims in the same light as those of Middle eastern desecnt . Elderly Aframs are more likely to have a negative view of Muslims, and aframs with strong evangelistic inclinations will strongly disagree with Muslims on religous grounds.

Overall I would say that the general view of that the Afram community has of Islam and Muslims ranges from neutral indifference, to passive wariness. It is alot less likely to find an Afram ranting about the "evils" of Islam than it is to find a Wam doing such.

^This is from my experience.
leacturavar is offline


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