Cable v Krakouer ?
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09-22-2010, 05:49 PM
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Oct 2005
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Cable v Krakouer ?
There always seems to be this facination with comparing players or accomplishments along side others efforts.
I was dissapointed to read yet another one yesterday in the West... I understand Andy Krakouer's effort in the Grand Final as an incredible one... But why state it was better than Barry Cable's ?
Cable won 3 Simpson Medals in the 60's, and now we have a columnist slightly deminishing it by saying someone else's was better. Who care's ? .... Why cant both efforts be acknowledged as brilliant and leave it at that.... And who can compare when era's are so different ?
Krakouer's game was remarkable.
Cable's game's were incredible.
Just leave it as two champion footballers who did remarkable things to win their side's a premiership. Stop comparing oranges with bloody oranges....
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