I have an idea....lets all vote 3rd party or the equivalent which is Obama
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05-02-2012, 01:14 AM
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Oct 2005
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Wrong on all counts hoffa. very wrong.
His record is clear.. You're simply incorrect.
"the country is not a business" ? No? The WTF is it? a charity? a war machine? Its a business---it can only spend what it confiscates from the citizens (or should operate that way) just like any business, when outgo exceeds income, it fails. We do need a CEO. That's just silly.. It's flawed thinking.
The federal government has but a few roles, turning a profit isn't one of them.
If it is a business, It's a terrible model.. A failure from the get go. A money losing hole in the bottom of all our wallets that takes their Constitutional functions and socializes the cost of providing them.
It's a "business" in the exact same way as Public Education is a "business" Or the license branch.. Or any number of other government entities.
We don't need a "CEO" Reagan ran a union for crying out loud.
You obviously don't know much about business or you'd never make such a ridiculous statement.
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