I have an idea....lets all vote 3rd party or the equivalent which is Obama
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05-02-2012, 01:51 AM
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Nov 2005
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What the country needs is an environment where at least the businesses are able to operate as a business. The country itself does not have to be ran as a profitable business but it has to be ran close enough to the center of the ledger that it is able to function indefinately. At this time we are not doing that. In the past we were. How it functions is from the revenue of corporate and individual entities. We cannot cripple the corporate entities to the point in favor of the indi. interests or vice versa to the point one offsets the other. Govt./Corporate/individual interests have a common interest and that is one of economic survival. Govt. cannot survive without the latter two. There has to be a balance of the three for a shared interest to be the best interest. However, unless you are a socialist you understand that its better for corporate and personal interests to be dominant over the Govt.....On their worst day corporate America and the people of America need to understand the govt. is each of their greatest threats, not one another. I say keep the govt. a little bit needy and keep them in debt to the people and to corporate america but not to needy or the govt. becomes to great of a burden. IOW, keep the govt. dependant on the people. Not the people dependant on the govt
.....if we dont keep the govt. a little bit needy then WTF do they need us for?....the people have a lot more power when the govt. is running a deficit....a managable deficit is preferred but a deficit nonetheless....
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