hahahahha... Mitt is going to get labeled like nobody you've ever seen. He's not immune from this in any way. Reagan wasn't either. This is why a track record and a worldview is so important.. Because that's what they're going to be selling America in the general. Reagan defended his radicalism.. Have you seen the electoral maps from his two races? It's a sea of red.. and he was labeled as badly as anyone in modern history. I get troubled when people look at our guys, see the media trashing them, and then write them off.. Like with Santorum and contraception. They screamed "OMG!!! HE SHOULD STAY AWAY FROM SOCIAL ISSUES!!!" But Obama brought them up by attacking the Church.. It was a tactic. What the media is doing is trying to influence the race.. They're very good at this. Just because you don't see them bashing the shit out of Mitt today doesn't mean he can't be touched.. On the contrary. From a business standpoint, it does matter to me.. What we need goes far beyond tax breaks and chair shuffling. We need someone with a basic dislike for the size and scope of government to go in and cut it back.. Freedom and the Constitution are critical here. I mean, look at where we are? If they don't do this, does it MATTER who wins this time? Let's say that Mitt did get the economy humming, made no other changes, and everyone was happy.. We're still fucked.. Because we're always one election away from disaster. One election away from a President who can wake up on the wrong side of the bed and attack entire sectors of the economy on a whim.. (Think coal) We need a real reformer and a Constitutionalist to turn this stuff back.. That's the REAL win.. We get the White House, we get the SC Nominees, and we reverse some of this nonsense so we're no longer at the mercy of a terrible president, his departments and his czars.. Freedom and the Constitution.. That's the best thing you could possibly do from a business perspective..