QUESTION: Name the last thing the Federal Government did to make us more free?
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04-01-2012, 07:27 PM
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Oct 2005
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Louisiana Purchase?
If you compare the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution that replaced it you will find that the Constitution was meant to transfer some power from the people and states to the central government and it was clearly laid out what those transferred powers were to be.
It has been a 'liberal' reading of the clauses of that document - something the signers never intended - which has led to an almost complete shift of power from the local to the national.
And with that shift of power was an inevitable diminishment of personal freedom.
I have come to the opinion that the Articles of Confederation, which had been found to be lacking in some details concerning defense, only required a few adjustments and that the abandonment of that document in favor of a radical new Constitution was a grievous mistake.
The Constitution was meant to be a more balanced system, and as written, it worked remarkably well.
Maximum freedom with minimum government necessary to protect those freedoms.
But that's not where we are now.
There was a flaw in the original plan which allowed its debasement.
Why did I choose the Louisiana Purchase as the last effort of the Federal government to make us freer?
It granted everyone in America who so wished the ability to move farther from DC, and for a time, into a less restrictive frontier environment.
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