What's with the Santorum porn tirade?!?
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03-19-2012, 02:34 AM
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Oct 2005
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I have no problem with Santorum stating he is personally opposed to porn, hell I am personally opposed to niggers. What I do have a problem with is politicians attempting to force their views on me. If I want to watch some hot girl/girl action on Tube8 or some other site that is my right.
Years ago it was decided that denial of a National Endowment of the Arts grant for a depiction of a crucifix in a jar of urine was wrong since it violated the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of expression. Is not porn the photographer expressing himself/herself?
What exactly constitutes obscenity? Has the Supreme Court ever reached a decision beyond, "I know it when I see it"?
To me the child casualties of war
are obscene. The artistic study of the female form is not.
I recently discovered EUtorrents. It has some very tastefully done European skin flicks. By tasteful I mean that there is actually a plot and story line and that the movies are not non-stop sex. Thanks to a filter I found for virtualdub I can hardcode the subtitles into the movie. The PAL format is kind of a pain if you have a DVD player that is older (like I do) but from what I have read most modern DVD players will accept both PAL and NTSC.
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