Will Ron Paul run 3rd party?
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03-18-2012, 09:18 AM
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Oct 2005
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Republicanism has historically, and in many countries still is the party of socialism. Only in America are republicans somehow obligated to be a right-wing party. Aren't the democrats right-wing enough cutting taxes on the rich, touting a nationalist agenda, (even if it's some new-fangled fag supremacy) and wanting third-way corporatism so they can prop up pseudo science green faculties?
Maybe instead of worshiping Ronald Reagan, the party should remind people they were the party of Abraham Lincoln. And they need to actually become the party again. Enforcing anti-trust laws, bring back unions, regulate these chaotic industries that have no accountability, and all of that can be done while still advocating "Christian values", and not directly condemning capitalism which Americans are not ready for.
If I had been alive in the 1700s, I would have been a proud, Yankee, republican. And burned down the house of every traitorous scumbag southerner who seceded from the union.
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