How much money have you spent on _________ in the past year or so?
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03-17-2012, 04:51 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
How much money have you spent on _________ in the past year or so?
1. Gas stations / $3120.00 (between 50-70USD for a fuel fill-up per week)
2. Oil changes / $80.00
3. Rent or mortgage & lodging / $12,000 (between 980-1020USD each month).
4. Significant others / $0.00
5. Video games / $0.00
6. Amusement parks / $0.00
7. Movies / $60.00
8. Food / $3120.00 pretty much same as gas for my car (from 50-70USD per week including stores & stops)
9. Collectables / $0.00
10. Comic books / $0.00
11. Kites / $0.00
12. New television, computer, or entertainment system appliances / $0.00
13. Newspapers / $0.00
14. Magazines / $0.00
15. Strip clubs or after hours clubs / $30.00
16. Home maintenance or appliance breakdowns / $300.00
17. Unexpected vehicle maintenance and roadside insurance / $500.00
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