The left are going fucking bonkers, dude..
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03-11-2012, 08:13 PM
Join Date
Oct 2005
Senior Member
Sounds like fun..
I may start if afterwhile or tonight. I have plans for this afternoon and just realized it was daylight savings time. I may try to kick the thread off here shortly though...!! It was quite an adventure. It finally got inside my head to the point I couldnt even read the shit even more. Once I got totally away from it I never looked back until one night about two weeks ago and I trolled the sites for about 15 minutes just to see what type of shit was up and it was even more sickening. I didnt pose as a lib. I told them straight up I was a conservative and oh how they tried to change my way of thinking. BUT to no avail....You have never seen such hate, hypocrites I said..what I thought libs were and what they really are was a shock. As i said, I was not dishonest. I told them I was a conservative so it was not misrepresentation. The "deep cover" was that I let them think I was open to their ideas and was trying to learn..Once they realized I was not buying the bullshit they were selling it was a sight to me about 6 months to play the whole hand but damn it was worth it...I learned a lot about the minds of libs and believe me, they dont give two shits about this country.
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