No it doesnt fuck may cost us a little bit of trading volume for a client to have less leverage but if some dumb fuck trades over his head and goes debit the firm and the broker gets stuck with the debit if the sob doesnt pay up...i got stuck with a 40K tab once from a mfer, never again. It took me two years and court to get my money from that sob. I am not obligated to accept a client or keep a client regardless of how much money they have in their account. I can tell them to fuck off for no reason and fire the client at a whim and have done so. I can and have raised their commish just becuase I may not like them or because they are a pain in my ass. Some clients jeoperdize my business and the business of other clients simply by their presence. I've been in the game too long to take any shit from some loudmouth and I dont. My good clients respect me for it. the rest of them can take it elsewhere.