A friend of mine, who injured his left side, (hand, arm, leg, and 4 broken ribs), recently lost his job. He lost his job, because he was unable to go to work, after trying to unload something heavy off of a trailer, and got crushed pretty good. Not an 'on the job' injury.....His job said 'fuck ya, can't help ya, cya'. End of story. He will have almost a year to recover. He can't draw unemployment, because you must be ABLE to work.......he's not. He's simply screwed. Here's where it gets WORSE. After 2 months in the hospital, with no money coming IN.......his child support got behind. 2 kids, a slut of an ex wife......They send him a letter.......then summon him to court. The judge says basically "tough shit you deadbeat bastard, you pay up, or you go to jail.....I don't CARE if you can't afford it!!". Pretty fucked up.......yes? IMO, it is. Meanwhile, 49.5% of Americans, pay NO taxes. And we dare not label them 'deadbeats'......they are the 'struggling'. No one will cut my buddy any slack.....and no one will dare point a finger at the 'broke' people, who get MORE from the tax system, than they've ever paid in. Year after year. I can hear it now; the argument against taxing those who pay nothing is that they can’t afford it. Has there been a single deadbeat dad in the history of deadbeatery who has not made that very same argument to the court when it was time to set his child support? And has a single one of them ever won it? Never. Everybody has to pay something. But but but, the RICH benefit from roads and schools and police and stuff......they SHOULD have to pay. And the 'poor' benefit from those same roads schools and police.....but they should NOT have to pay? I wonder why liberals aren't out defending dead beat dads? To quote Tim Nerenz .......