Lets think big picture. We have a president who wants us to nuclear disarm as we allow ragheads like Iran to develop their own nukes. We have a president who has destroyed the economy of this once great country and will finish it completely off if beyond repair if reelected. We have a president who is waging class warfare which is a war against whites (since whites own most everything in the country so he wants redistribution of wealth). We have a president who was a community organizer with zero understanding of how economics apply in the real world(and damn it shows). We have a president who is going to see 2012 as a year of likely record foreclosures. IOW, $5 a gallon gas will hurt most people but lets face it, we arent that far from it now. If all it takes is a few bucks at the gas pump to rid us of the Muslim trash known as Obama at the polls in 2012, count me in......