Idiot Boomers and their retarded solutions... gimmiegimmiegimmie...
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02-11-2012, 07:58 PM
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Oct 2005
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The more I look at this.. It doesn't seem like a very good bet from any angle.
But it's a simple concept.. The boomers will find that attractive. They're into simple things..
Andrew Yuengert who conducted statistical analysis suggests "Immigrants from countries with high self-employment rates have higher than average self employment in the US. And that immigrant s tend to concentrate in states with progressive tax codes, which may act as incentives to pursue self-employment, with its greater opportunities for tax avoidance.
Yuengert 's research found that these two factors account for 62% of immigrant self-employment participation.
They want the liberals benefits.. They just don't want to pay for them..
LOL! Sure, let's flood the country with spics..
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